Anime Fanfiction Oskar Awards.

Hurry and apply soon! and become a winner for 2003. Be among the good writers of anime fanfics.



      What Is Fanfiction?

When an anime show ends, fan are left wanting to see their favorite characters get into more adventures, or see them do things that where totaly out of the original anime show, see their characters cross over to other anime shows, and shape your plot starring with your favorite characters. Well, these fans have totaly creative visions about the anime, and with those visions they created fanfics that keep those anime fans with their favorite anime characters just for another couple of minutes even though the show is over as in stopped airing on TV.  These fanfictions  where the ones that are outstanding over others.


Instructions:: Simply put this Oscar in your website or in your fanfic and you could link it back here if you'd like. Please sign the guestbook and you can put your acceptance speeches in there, the link of the fanfic that won the award so that other people can read it. Congrats!

Instruciones:: Simplemente ponga su Oscar en su pagina o en la fanfic que gano, si quiero ponga un link a esta pagina. Porvar, firme my Guest Book, ahi usted puede poner su link a la fanfic que gano el premio. Felicidades!

1. Best Female Author = Ali Mystic
2. Best Male Author = Silver Ketchum
3. Best Supportive Female Author= Ashley Taylor.
4. Best Suppportive Male Author=
5. Clever Plot= Yui Miyamoto for Deep Inside You.
6. Best Foreign Language Fanfic (any other language then English)=
7.Best Adapted Fanfic from the acutal anime show= Ali Mystic for The Shizen/Frozen Saga.
8.Best original song/poem in a fanfic = Stars Makoto for "Untiltled"
9. Most deatailed fanfic= Angle Dust for Gold Chain
10. Most creative fanfic= Blue Rose for Spiral.
11. Best songfic= Neko Sanada for Feel The Rain
12.Best crossovers=Solita for Isolated Rain
13. Most likely to be an episode of the actual anime= Devon Masterson for Parallaxis
14.Most detailed costumes in a fanfic= Angle Dust for Gold Chain
15. Best chibi fanfic=
16.Most gory fanfic=Silver Ketchum for DBLS Chronicle 3:Once Upon A Wish.
17.Most Romantic fanfic =Angle Dust for Gold Chain
18.Best Fic Done By A Duo or Group= Flora Blackmoon for Royal Affair
19. Best Parody=Ashley T. for Goku's Bitter
20.Best Short fic= Ashley T. for When a woman's fed up
21.Best Martial arts fanfic= Silver Ketchum for DBLS Chronicle 3:Once Upon A Wish.
22. 2nd Best Fanfic= Chibi Wufei for Power of the Ultimate.
23. Best Fanfic=Anne Lowe for LIFE IS A LEMON AND I WANT MY MONEY BACK
24. Honorable Mention=Anubis for The Endless War, SilveMoonBeam for The Game of life.

(~~*Categories in blue where not awarded. No one applied to those*~~) People who won, make sure you copy and paste your awards anywhere you want on your site and link back here  AND then go to the guest book and put in your acceptance speech. we already gave you an award now please sign our guestbook! Congrats! and thank you for applying!!

Thank you to all of you who applied and participated in making this possible!! Congratulations, and stay swritting and making magic for the awards for the year 2003!
                                                Yellow/Green Banana Moon Productions.®
Notice: In no way are we associated to the Acadamy Awards for acting and movies. <~~ the Hollywood show.

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